The Ambush of Four People

"She's one of the combat personnel from the Munitions Factory?"

After a few minutes, Yu Yuan looked at Lin Sanjiu with uncertainty. As he dusted his shirt, he asked, "Is everyone from the Munitions Factory so weak?"

The clearing was now peppered with droplets of blood. A girl wearing an umbrella skirt with a red and white pattern was lying on the ground with her arms tied behind her back, puffing like a bulldog.

It was never in Lin Sanjiu's wildest dream that they could subdue Lollipop in less than two minutes. Frowning, she measured the girl and answered, "She seems a lot weaker than I first met her…" 

Hearing her words, Lollipop jerked her head up, her face was caked with bloodied mud. She stared at the duo and spoke disjointedly, "I… If I hadn't wounded myself… there is no way you two could have defeated me!"