Open The Door Like Your Life Depends On It

Woyu stopped yelling. 

It was quiet. The air was filled with nothing but the imperceptible whirring of Exodus's engine. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and looked at the control panel. He pressed several times on the "system control" button; however, the maglev pod remained silent.

Silas was gone. That thought rammed into Woyu's head like a stone that dropped into a pond. It caused a ripple in his brain, and more and more thoughts began to appear.

He cast all the thoughts away, as he did not want to know why Silas suddenly went offline. His muscles pulled taut, he continued to slowly move forward towards the direction of the bridge. As his eyes traced the warm white lamps on the wall that shed a uniform glow into the surroundings, he spotted the door to the bridge at the end of the corridor. It looked thick and heavy, and effectively cut off all the sound, so Woyu did not know what the man was doing on the other side.