Tower Defense (2)

The moment she kicked the thing, she felt something touch her shoulders. 

It was impossible to see beyond the billowing wall of smoke, so Lin Sanjiu came to an abrupt stop and recoiled two steps to the side. She jerked her head around but there was nothing on her shoulder. 

She had her hypersensory activated, so by right, she should be able to notice if a duoluozhong came near her.

Tears were flowing profusely out of her eyes. She covered her nose with her hand and attempted to round the thing that she kicked just now when she heard the sound of glass shattering against the floor. 

Judging from the intensity of the sound, she reckoned that Bliss had unlocked at least three to four window displays ahead of her. 

'This is bad…' Lin Sanjiu thought inwardly.