Interception Of The Lost Dog’s Pod Hotel

Lin Sanjiu was very familiar with Dali's footsteps. 

During her stay in the Lost Dog's Pod Hotel, she would always wake up to a series of light and hurried footsteps in the morning. As the owner of the hotel, there were a lot of things waiting for Dali to settle every day. The moment the sun went up, she had to run up and down the corridor like a busy bee, collecting room fare and distributing breakfast for her guests. 

Right now, at 3 o'clock in the wee hours, her footsteps were echoing down the corridor.

At the end of the T-shaped corridor, a silhouette was growing in size. Lin Sanjiu called out for her [Tornado Whip], but she soon kept it back after a short bout of rumination. Putting everything aside, Dali was considered her friend as well, and The Lost Dog's Pod Hotel was her precious belonging. If she were to use her [Tornado Whip] in here, she was certain that she would obliterate half the building.