The Last 6 Hours

It was only when dusk began to roll in that Lin Sanjiu gave up and let out a dejected sigh. 

One after another, the street lights floated into the sky and vanished into the horizon, not to rise again until night fell. The colors of the sunrise were diffused across the sky, painting the cloud and the massive aircraft a rosy color. Not long after, the aircraft would come to life and continue their journey to their respective destinations. Looking at the street that was gradually waking up, Lin Sanji rubbed her shins. Her muscles were screaming, and she could not tell if her eyes or her legs were sorer. 

In order to figure out Septimus' walking pattern, she had repeated the path they walked through yesterday night again and again. However, it did not take long for her to realize that it was practically impossible to deduce Luther's location this way.