It’s Fortunate That Their Opponent Has A Low IQ

The entire sky was blotted out by the flying soil and dirt. No matter how far they had retreated, Lin Sanjiu still could not completely steer herself away safely from the assault of the hail of dirt. She accidentally sucked in the dirt-laden air and coughed. Holding the easel, the artist followed closely behind her. When he saw Lin Sanjiu suddenly stop and cough nonstop, he became so anxious to the point he began pacing back and forth, unsure about what he should do. Meanwhile, the monstrosity ahead had completely risen from the ground. 

After Lin Sanjiu finally recovered from her fit of coughing, she raised her head to look ahead. Then, she was dumbstruck. Even though she had anticipated something like this when she was mimicking Ji Shanqing, she was still stumped by the scene before her eyes. Her throat felt raw and no words would form.