Breaking Ice

"If the cold blizzard is like a knife, then the earth is used as a chopping board, and the people are fish and meat. Snow gusting, the heaven is the furnace, and it melts everything into white silver..."

When seeing the snow dancing and whirling into a white wall in the storm, Jiang Chen recalled this stance by Jin Yong.

They seemed to have ran out of luck. On the shores of George V, the Pathfinder encountered a blizzard from the pole.

Bean-sized ice cubes flung against the ship, but the Pathfinder, designed for bad weather, wouldn't be stopped by a small blizzard like this.

Because of the uncertainty of where the eye of the storm was located, Captain Marshall, in order to prevent the Pathfinder from rolling over, directly placed the large ice-breaking bow in the direction of the storm and then anchored the ship to wait for the storm to pass.