
Liu Hao and the others saw He Ming's Elementalist's health rapidly drop. They didn't need He Ming to shout for help in order to know that the situation wasn't looking good. Even though their team had a Cleric, He Ming's Elementalist wasn't in spell range, so the Cleric couldn't do anything.

In order to cast the spell, not only did the Cleric need to be close enough to the target, the target also had to be in the Cleric's line of sight. Right now, He Ming's Elementalist were separated by the wall and couldn't be seen by them. Zhang Jiaxin stared with wide eyes, but couldn't think of a possible solution. Listening to Liu Hao's orders, the three exited the building as quickly as they could. Just as they reached the roof, Liu Hao's icon turned gray, indicated his character's death.