Bone Dragon Aldton

Only Crispy Bean wasn't aware of the huge shift on the damage chart. As a tank, Crispy Bean also had to put out damage, but with his exceptional equipment, it was obvious that his damage output would be greater than the rest of the team. Thus, he had only checked before the first boss and saw his gigantic lead. At the same time, he looked down on Unrivaled Super Hottie's leeching, and then stopped paying attention to the chart afterwards.

After beating the third miniboss, everyone took a break. Crispy Bean took a look at the damage chart out of boredom and jumped up in surprise. The second to last place Unrivaled Super Hottie was no longer there. Crispy Bean counted from the bottom one at a time, until he saw him in second place. In addition, his damage numbers were about to surpass his own.