An Incomprehensible Event

"Brothers! Let's go! Let's play for a bit."

After hearing Chen Guo's confirmation, some began calling out to others, but it was evident that most of the spectators weren't a part of the same group. Some began to stir, but the vast majority weren't just out for an early morning stroll. They simply saw a commotion going on and stopped to see what was happening. They still needed to go on with their lives. How could they delay their work to take advantage of this small convenience?

Only a few ended up entering the Deme-Cybercafé. Some of these few just came in to take another look. After clicking their tongue in astonishment and seeing that they actually didn't need to pay to use the computers, they continued on with their business.

For the first wave of people, the sound of thunder was loud, but the following raindrops were miniscule. Of course, the time of the day was the main reason. Relatively few people walked around so early in the morning.