Deciding Match

The person who spoke up was Team Jade Dynasty's Cleric, Lu Shilin. Xiao Jie had personally scouted him. In his eyes, he was an outstanding Cleric. When Xiao Jie purchased Team Jade Dynasty, he naturally stuck him into the team. Lu Shilin could be considered as someone under his personal command. Xiao Jie had originally intended on directly handing Lu Shilin the team captain's position, but he wasn't stupid. He knew that he hadn't brought half of the team over. He had only brought one person. An individual's power was rather weak, even if he had the boss' backing. It might not be enough to convince the rest of the team.

As a result, the team captain was still Lin Yi. Apart from that, Xiao Jie even asked their former captain, Zhang Jian to help. Thus, when Team Jade Dynasty's ownership changed, no one was unhappy.