Rushing undercurrents

By this moment, Little Lord Fokke had already rode his horse back to the port, using a warning tone he chided.

"Scumbags who have eyes on the back of their brains! Even these idiots have no chance. Set up the cross at the courts of the port, nail the two damned corpses up. Let them know the consequences of causing trouble on this sacred freeport! Their flesh will rot in the sun, and their souls will be humbled in the torture of this court. When the bell rings at midnight, I want to see the rest of those criminal scums nailed to crosses! Hurry!"

After little Fokke finished speaking, he did not rest but immediately rode his horse, Momore, back towards the castle which was still engulfed in black smog.

At this moment, a low husky voice suddenly drifted in. It said, "Strong in appearance but weak in reality."