
The boundless starry universe gradually blurred out, once again plunging into darkness. After Sheyan recovered his vision, he was once again back in his personal room. The first thing he did was to inspect his attributes.

Contestant no.1018

Achievement points: 8 points

Status: Recruit

Strength 12 points (10+1+1)

Agility 10 points (7+1+2)

Physique 17 points (14+1+1+1)

Perceptive sensing 14 points (12+2)

Charm 5 points (6+1-2)

Spirit 4 points (4+0)

Intelligence 5 points (5+0)

Left hand: Musket 'Ambition' (19), perceptive sensing +2, agility +2

Body: FBI special windbreaker (6) charm +1

Left Hand: Rotten bone ring (7) Strength +1, Physique +1

Accessory (left): Obsidian fossil anchor (20) Strength/agility/physique +1, charm - 2, attack +10

Accessory (Right): Gold shell pocket watch (4) Physique +1

Equipment overall score: 56