Complete suppression!

The unexpected new arrival had steady and even footsteps, as though every step was measured properly. His twin fist rested loftily by his side, as he approached like an unceasing and majestic mountain. The overcautious darkness behind, the earth and even the torrential rain withdrew around him!

Qiao Gun surveyed this man, obviously wanting to exert his dominance. Yet his expression exposed an astounded look.

"Its you?"

That man composedly replied.

"Of course its me."

Qiao Gun laughed coldly.

"What a greedy ass pig. Seaman, you managed to hold onto your life after that troll's assault. Then you should have cherished it and not come out to die!"

The new arrival was naturally the silently awaiting Sheyan. After Qiao Gun finished speaking, he received an urgent list of notification from the nightmare imprint:

"Contestant no.33192 has initiated battle!"

"Contestant no.33192 has initiated battle!"

"The peaceful status will expire in 10 seconds."

"10 second counter has begun."