Surrender and survivors

Description: 'Sample electromagnetic cloud explosive'. This is a newly introduced weapon containing immense killing potential. Currently for some unknown reason, it's launching detonation malfunction rate is high. After launching, it will deal 30 - 80 points of sound wave damage to the surrounding creatures within a 10 metre radius. Damage will be directed towards the arachnids functionality, destroying its sense of hearing and balancing organs. Hence it will also result in a 10 seconds dizziness debuff for the arachnids.

Sheyan had previously seen this deadly tool when several brave marines made a desperate suicidal charge, hence it left a deep impression on him. He tried picking one up and instantly felt his hand sinking down; even though this object was the size of a bowl, it was close to 30 kg in mass. Furthermore its detonating process was complex, no wonder the previous marines were unable to utilize it as grenades.