Black brothers vomiting blood.....

Lieutenant Colonel Dundee had always looked rather dispirited, but now he was filled with vigor. Before Sheyan and Mogensha arrived, he was pacing back and forth in front of the tent with a huge expensive cigar in his mouth; its mild fumes spiralling up. It looked like their search operation had reaped ample rewards. Upon seeing the two, Dundee spat away his cigar as he warmly invited them over.

"Beautifully done! Lads, because of your mission's success, the Blackthorn tribe has extracted the parasites from us. Come, let me introduce you, this is pilot Maylon. His bravery saved us, and god's grace followed suit. After conducting a rescue search on the shuttle, we actually found him buried under tons of sand; but was miraculously surviving on the automatic lifve support system from the shuttle!"