Uncommon elite surprise attack!

Gradually, surprise attacks from zerglings within the darkness became more frequent. However, these zerglings seemed to have been injured and were nurturing their wounds. Hence, without much effort, Sheyan was able to take these guys down; at the rate that even the two marines at the back didn't have to spare a single move. Brute fist and kicks were enough to settle. This carried on until they swung round a corner. Suddenly! A pack of hydralisks appeared! A pack of hydralisks that were just idling over a spacious channel!

In this sudden desperate encounter, only the brave would survive. Sheyan didn't even have time to think, straightforwardly throwing a 'Sample Electromagnetic Cloud Bomb' over. A faint blue flash illuminated the cavern darkness. The two elite marines opened fire with their fullest might, even Sheyan had raised his flamethrower and created a massive firestorm!