Designated entry!

"This is a classified aspect of the realm, please verify your military rank at the roof for further queries."

Seeing the nightmare imprint's notification, it was fortunate that Sheyan still had adequate time. Hence, he hastily headed towards the roof of the realm. Not a single person was around, it was just peace and quiet.

Sheyan sat down, inciting out a list of options.

Contestant no.1018......verifying.

Identity confirmation......

Your current nightmare imprint rank is Second Lieutenant.

Your current achievement value is 58 points.

Your current usable services are:

A: Purchase relevant military items. (A detailed menu list)

B: Access military rank related classified information. (This option requires a fixed fee)

C: Party establishment application.

D: Obtain military allowance. (Your current military allowance: A free purchase of a military rank relevant item, item purchased must be within your scope of authority)