
A gigantic skull, with distinct stripes.

In the entire Pandora, only one creature dared to boast of this…...

The overlord of the skies, the Great Leonopteryx! (Na`vi tongue: Toruk ‘Last shadow’)

To the entire Na`vi race on Pandora, riding one was equivalent to a WoW player acquiring the Twin Blades of Azzinoth or Frostmourne! It is said that through the history of the Na`vi race, only 5 had managed to ride it before, and were hailed as the ‘Rider of the Last Shadow’; leader of the Na`vi race, supreme in strength and authority.

(TN: For non-warcraft players, the Twin Blades of Azzinoth are wielded by Illidan stormrage, and the Lich King wields frostmourne. Both are main bosses of the game, so it means wielding them is akin to being the mega boss)

Yet why would this dragon’s skull of great significance, be buried underneath a footpath of the Hometree?