Raging chop!

The two rested for approximately 2-3 minutes, before Sheyan discovered his health started declining for no reasons. Immediately, he knew Reef had been struck into near-death state, and ‘Life-link’ had been activated. They hurriedly rushed over, but on the contrary, Sheyan’s heart had calmed down.

In the prior battle with Zeiss.Carl, that brat had an immensely frightening damage output. Sheyan’s health had dropped to around 300 points; but after several minutes of regeneration, it once again swelled back to 500 points. Moreover, Sheyan hadn’t used the party skill ‘Gloryheal’. If need be, there was still an honorary medicine dosage. Before his health dropped to near-death state, the ‘Life-link’ wouldn’t be terminated. Hence without saying, enduring for 7-8 minutes wasn’t a problem.