
Though his pirate crew was perplexed by his order, reckoning that their new captain loved picking up soap*, they swiftly separated to their tasks. Reef heaved a sigh of relief. Evidently, he was reluctant to spectate any massacre happening, and therefore Sheyan had also taken his emotions into consideration.

(TN:*it means gay lol. Like picking up the soap in a shower with another guy)

Under Sheyan’s precise arrangements and allocation of taskings, the 3-masted ‘Galen’ Galley ship swiftly bustled into life. The sails of the 3 masts swelled with the wind, as the experienced pirates begun steering this foreign 3-masted ship; each speedily assimilating into their tasks. Occasionally, Sheyan would kick against their asses, spurring them on to hasten their executions.

At the moment the 3-masted ‘Galen’ Galley Ship slowly sailed into motion, Sheyan received a notification from his nightmare imprint.

[ You seized control authority of a 3 kiloton displacement ship – The Hill Maiden. ]