
[ Brass Spyglass (mono-lens) ]

[ Origin: Istanbul, Turkey ]

[ Equipment characteristics: Unique storyline equipment ]

[ Equipment rarity: Light-blue ]

[ Material: Brass, glass ]

[ Addons: ribbon strap ]

[ Effect: Allows wielder to see further, doubles the viewing distance. ]

[ Equipment position: Miscellaneous slot ]

[ Description: This is a priceless treasure to any lookout scout ]

[ Description: If you feel that this item isn’t powerful enough, you can sell it to the realm in exchange for a large sum of utility or potential points; choose only 1 of 2 options. ]


Examining this object, Sheyan pondered before inquiring with another pirate.

"What’s the name of that old mate whose hand was chopped off by One-eyed Hog?"

That pirate instantly replied in fear and trepidation.

"I only be knowin’ his moniker be Ol’Seadog, Cap’n!"

Sheyan nodded and replied.

"Call him here."