Redoubtable HMS Dauntless

Sheyan no longer concerned himself with matters on deck. Besides, today’s affairs was adequate for the pirates’ digestion. Thus, he turned and left.

Right now, the two ships he had commandeered hadn’t been inspected yet, which could presumably offer him further delightful nuggets. Moreover, his reputation had inflated to an inconceivable extent amongst the pirates, where a riot would be seemingly impossible.

Meanwhile, the other pirates remained exceedingly envious of Canbi’s luck, where they staunchly affirmed to stay in this crew.

This time, Sheyan acquired a surprising delight during this time’s inspection. He actually discovered two unique storyline equipments. However, both were only usable for the ship.

He discovered this on the british royal navy ship:

[ Lisbon ‘McKinney’ Sail ]

[ Type: Sail ]

[ Origin: Lisbon ]

[ Equipment characteristics: Unique Storyline Equipment (Can only be installed onto storyline ships, unable to be brought out of this world.) ]