
Sheyan simply chuckled in response to the diviner’s suspicion.

"Go ahead."

That gypsy diviner appeared like an expert. Leaning in for a careful inspection, she eventually nodded and announced.

"It is genuine, this tail had indeed been severed from a living Chupacabra. Moreover, it has strangely retained its freshness, as though it was just chopped off. With this tail, it is indeed possible for an alchemist to produce an ointment imitation of its scent."

Jiejie was currently pacing back and forth within the tent. Evidently, an intense battle of notions was currently ongoing in her heart. Then, she suddenly declared.

"Regardless, offending that invincible existence who placed the seal is out of the question. If not, our troubles will never end. However, though unsealing it is impossible, we can weaken the strength of this seal to its weakest state. Proceeding from there, you can seek out a priest or simply sprinkle holy water to unseal it. This is the best we can do."