Flaunting cruelness

Alan Dale might not have left a direct impression on anyone, but he was definitely a fresh memory in the head of Sheyan’s old First Mate, Scarface Harry. After all, the scar on Scarface Harry’s face was left behind by Alan Dale after a brawl!

Ammand was also an expert in western style sword arts. Once in the past, during a rowdy proclamation while drinking in a bar, Alan Dale had willfully slandered that Ammand wouldn’t be able to last ten seconds in a sword fight with him.

Coincidentally, First Mate Harry was drinking in that same bar. Naturally, being loyal to Ammand, Harry wouldn’t rest upon hearing that; hence, the two started brawling.

Eventually, the outcome was Alan Dale receiving a fist to his chest. Merely, that fist wasn’t a light one, as Scarface Harry had delivered the fist while using his barbaric ‘Flesh Explosion’ ability. Having taken such a direct blow, Alan Dale’s body deteriorated day by day, thereby turning hunched and weak.