Baladine Bloodsail

For fear of alarming their foes, those pirates didn’t dare to cheer loudly upon hearing Sheyan’s rallying. Instead, they uniformly raised their weapons up high!

Blades shimmered in the woods, as they were obviously exceedingly in favour of Sheyan’s stand. Their eyes flickered with insatiable madness!

After all, being part of the crew of a distinguished pirate ship wasn’t merely a bonus to their reputation. To these pirates, it was akin to a glorious career of working in the top 500 companies of the present world. Furthermore, their chances of survival would be greatly bolstered as well. Allured by such prospects, why wouldn’t their morale skyrocket?

Since the plan had been modified with their primary intent to commandeer a ship, then naturally the emphasis of deploying the pirates should be placed in this aspect.

Seizing the opportunity where Taitish’s identity hadn’t been exposed, Sheyan hastily altered his plan.