Reunion a decade later

Afterwards, no other unique talents showed up. Yet noteworthily, Sheyan chanced upon an intoxicated drunkard on the island, who could unexpectedly perform a simple maintenance for his ‘+7 West’ saber; barely restoring 30% of its durability.

Hence, Sheyan was spared from deposing of his weapon. Furthermore, that drunkard seemed to be rather proficient in cannon maintenance as well, and was similarly recruited as a talent.

After a two day stint on Trihorn Island, Sheyan then sold off some of the rum and supplies carried on the Dingyuan for high prices. Those were all goods stolen from the gypsies, which provided him with only benefits and zero costs. At present, Trihorn Island was filled with dispirited pirates who drank their sorrows away. Thus, Sheyan managed to fill his basins once again.