Lord vs Pirates

Following the arrival of his words, a tumultuous and suffocating gust raged in.

Amidst the darkness, bitter cries of pleading and grieving screams could be heard. It was as though an enormous flag was fluttering rapidly, emitting booming sounds of wind inside this narrow cabin!

Such a deafening ruckus naturally startled the pirates on the board the Black Pearl.

They gathered onto the deck while lifting broadsword and hatchets; some holding onto torches as they cursed aloud and swarmed in.

Days prior to this, the all-powerful Black Pearl had suffered a huge setback which left them incomparably gloomy. Right now, the pirates naturally jumped at this excuse to vent their frustration.

Meanwhile, clear ice shattering sounds continued resounding before Sheyan.

All of a sudden, a spatial tear was ripped apart. A pair of bowl-sized front hooves of unrivalled might broke through the fetters of space and time, before trampling down ferociously.