Summoning the flagship anywhere!!!

[ Note: The ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ is exclusive in this realm. Therefore, the secrets made known from it through Caterly Fokke’s relevant mission dropped loots, will be exclusive to this realm. This secret will never again surface in this realm ]

Sheyan couldn’t appreciate the scene of Little Lord Fokke’s exceedingly noble death.

Grimacing as his teeth chattered, the fingers of his remaining hand dug into the soil. This was because his severed arm was now experiencing an unbearably searing pain. A pain that was simply unexplainable, as though every cell of his obliterated arm was wailing despondently. Waves of searing pain tormented in mind!

This was the remnic manifestation of the primal chaos force that had leaked into Sheyan’s body!

Though Sheyan endured the boiling agony for a trifling ten seconds, his organs felt like it had been ten excruciatingly long years! Fortunately, the pain went as fast as it came and disappeared without a trace.