Dumdum bullets

Killing one with every ten steps!

Showing no mercy for a thousand li, brushing one’s clothes once the matter concluded, a name that remained in hiding.


Furious rumbling emerged as a motorbike raced through the muddy tracks. The bright headlight ripped apart the curtains of rain ahead. In this chilling weather, Sheyan was presently riding the motorbike at about 80 km/hr. Bear this in mind, this wasn’t an even road, but a dirt road ladened with broken rocks and plowed ground!

At present, the rain had soaked the ground thoroughly, as splashes of mud soared 7-8 metres into the air from the motorbike!

This was a place at least 40 kilometres from Fang Cheng Gang. He was nearing the region’s checkpoint frontier guard post. Today, Huashan Fei was going to collect a batch of goods from this region’s pier.