
Mbenga’s nostrils twitched involuntarily towards the alluring aroma of rum, even his Adam’s apple started squirming a little. His hands moved by themselves to accept the bottle that Sheyan had tossed over.

Soon came the fragrant steaming roast meat, where he chewed down viciously before irrigating his mouth his rum.

"I don’t fancy you." While chewing heftily on his meat mixed with rum, Mbenga offered his muffled thoughts aloud.

Sheyan chuckled in response.

"I know. They way you hacked that zebra’s leg with a stone hatchet was rather imperious but yet courageous. I have no such brave warriors under me."

Mbenga persisted to ferociously rip the roast meat with his white teeth, as his thick lips occasionally emitted grunts of unknown significance. Sheyan very patiently waited for him to finish.