Fleeing for one’s life

Regardless of humans or beasts, being impaled by such a thick wooden pike would be detrimentally fatal.

Yet immediately after the pike punctured through the Licker’s lungs, and despite having its brain mutilated earlier on, the Licker bolted abruptly towards the direction where the pike had flown in. Counter-attacking with such terrifying pace, could it even be described as gravely wounded?

This crafty beast was seemingly immune to pain, or only feigning being incapacitated, determining the location of its foe by exploiting the moment they attacked. Only when its opponent was most relaxed, did it retaliate wildly with thunderbolt impetus; sacrificing its body to attack!

Seeing that his attack had landed, Mbenga immediately broke into frantic fleeing. Yet how could his speed be compared to that terrifying monstrosity?

After brief moments, Mbenga had already sprinted 50-60 metres away. Instead, the gap between both parties continued to shrink rapidly.