Stairway of the Sun!

After a series of inspections, Sheyan found traces of the fire dyke having been set aflame recently! This indicated that the remnants of Ndipaya aborigines remained devout until today, wishing their sun deity would bless them with a final ray of hope.

However…...a faint speculation was currently brewing in Sheyan’s heart. If his conjecture wasn’t wrong, this could likely be a dead loop. The more of such ceremonial rites were conducted, the more perilous the situation of the Ndipaya tribe would become.

Even though Sheyan was burning with impatience and constantly urged Mbenga to search for the ‘Stairway of the Sun’, Mbenga instead shook his head relentlessly. He gazed into skies above, as though signaling that the time wasn’t ripe yet. Moreover, it seemed like they still had to wait for a very long time.

Since there was nothing he could do, Sheyan explored the environment before huddling into a corner to take shelter from the wind, before falling into deep sleep.