Mbenga’s bitter fate

Guarga heavily drilled his golden scepter into the ground.

With an awe-inspiring presence and unrivaled loftiness, he gripped the attention of the entire field. Right in the face of the Coiled Serpent subtribe, his voice thoroughly suppressed them.

"Gundazan is already possessed by a demon. The obsession of that evil spirit is inconceivably strong, and has been enhanced by the witchcraft of our enemy. Only by killing me, can all grievances be resolved! Attempting to spit at the sky will only humiliate yourselves. Fools that wishes to go against me, shall be reduced to dust by the scorching sun. Your act of protecting him is simply digging your own graves!"

The two elders of the Coiled Serpent subtribe exchanged glances. Clearly, they understood the truth in Guarba’s words, still, they remained unwilling.