Demon eye

"Well said." Guarba laughed hysterically. "Thus, I shall award you a chance. Yield at once and abdicate to me, for I do not lack power, but what I lack, is an astute assistant like you!"

All of a sudden, Hecaosi’s giant parasitic python ejaculated a jet of venomous pus from its sinister mouth. However, it didn’t reach Guarba but merely sprinkled onto the ground before emitting sizzling sounds. In a blink of an eye, a few large pits were corroded out, as an awful stench pervaded the atmosphere.

Guarba harrumphed and asked.

"What a pity, is this your foolish answer?"

In response, Hecaosi charged forth. He could already perceive that Guarba was tarrying for time, and since Hecaosi was at his optimal state now, he wasn’t willing to delay any longer. With this very move, he would offer no mercy.

Upon nearing Guarba, steam arose from Hecaosi as though his skin was scalding from boiling blood.