
Battered down by a wave of assaults, the first Deinonychus was slayed after releasing an anguished roar. The manner of its demise was extremely pitiful.

Numerous bloodied and mangled holes were corroded throughout its body by the vile toxins of the ‘Corrosynthesis’ ability. Patches of green fur remained disheveled alongside those bloodied holes, as though it had died for a long while and fungus had started growing on it.

The other Deinonychus then demonstrated appalling cruelty, as they lunged forward and shredded their comrade’s carcass as food.

Sheyan continued observing the development of this battle as he fought, and after killing off another two Deinonychus, he calmly ordered.

"Retreat to the second line of defence, I’ll cover the front."

While speaking, Sheyan smashed a ‘Bear’s strength’ curse-mix, simultaneously stunning his opponents and lowering their strength.