Murder scene and a fuse

As he viewed this list of information, Reef's expression turned grave.

Who knew what these information represented.

A pack of Deinonychus could be described as greeting gifts to the trio.

However, if a Tyrannosaurus was added into the equation of Deinonychus, that would be sufficient might to condemn the trio into an unavoidable death!

Furthermore, the way this corpse died by way of suicide, compounded the cruelness that this world presented!

After affirming that there was nothing else of value around, Mogensha and Reef prepared to leave.

At this moment, Sheyan abruptly exclaimed.

"Something's amiss, take a look at the corpse's hand."

While speaking, Sheyan strolled over and lifted the corpse's hand. This action of his startled a cluster of buzzing green house flies.

Instantly, everyone noticed that both hands of the corpse, which was initially covered by the sleeves, were clenched tightly into fists.

"If he really committed suicide, where's the gun he used?"