Initial convincing

Presented with such a carefree deduction by Sheyan, both Reef and Mogensha displayed utmost confidence in Sheyan although they were equally bewildered. Thus, they immediately started preparing.

Especially Mogensha, who was inevitably required to suppress Yuan Zhan with his long range capabilities. Thinking of such a daunting task, he took several deep inhalations. Besides, everyone knew that letting a Growth-Hunter Summoner have free reign in a battle, was undoubtedly equivalent to asking your whole party to suicide.

Upon hearing Sheyan's words, Zi immediately looked over with her monochrome pupils and offered a grin of dissatisfaction.

"What a presumptuous guess!"

Sheyan ignored her and chuckled to himself. Then, he headed out for an attentive survey.

In the end, approximately an hour later, Sheyan suddenly returned with a solemn countenance and ordered.

"They're here! Prepare for action!"