All-Conquering Might

After concluding the item draw, the trio waited expectantly. Indeed just as what Zi predicted, their nightmare imprints transmitted the notifications.

[ Growth-Hunter no.81212's slayer value is above 30 points, condition for second draw is fulfilled ]

[ You receive another draw from the blood chest! ]

"Oh woah!" Although he was already expecting this, Reef and Mogensha still failed to contain their excitement. Sheyan cheerfully announced.

"Our excellent Zi is indeed matchless in experience, her words spot on without errors."

Following that, Sheyan urged Reef.

"Wanna test your luck?"

Reef hesitated a little but his eyes revealed immeasurable delight.


Sheyan actually thought Reef wouldn't agree but merely asked out of courtesy. Like a simple greeting of 'have you had dinner', but yet the other party abruptly blurted, 'no I have not, treat me….'

Sheyan eventually broke out of his amazement and asked.