Tracking down with clues

Inside the headquarters of this black market, a plump black female placed her hands by her hips as she shouted loudly. It was as though she wouldn't hesitate to swing her butcher's knife at any lowly worker who slackened off....

Clearly, her shouts were rather effective. Whenever a name was exposed, that individual would tremble as if he had just been whipped and increase his work efficiency by a third.

Zi marched towards the plump black female and whispered several words. That woman then strode over before incisively sizing up the trio.

"Which report ya purchasing? We don't do military, government and police."

Sheyan chuckled in response.

"According to online information, there are over ten thousand employees in the Sandro TeraTech company, and the turnover rate is definitely high. What I want, is intelligence on high rankers who recently left the company the previous half of the year."

The plumpy black female nodded while contemplating.

"Fifty grand."