
Detecting an imbecile delivering himself to die, a ring-shaped black barrel atop the robot's shoulder immediately targeted Sheyan and unloaded a wildfire.

Except, the killing potential of the weapon was also dependant on its target. Obviously, Mogensha would have to flee as far as possible, but to Sheyan, he dared to charge into the tempestuous rain of bullets; meeting his rival boldly with crazy vigor!

Although Sheyan was indeed capable of resisting a head on charge, he was honestly desiring to vent his frustration as well. Why So? It was because of Zi's provocative teasing based on his own phrase 'I can easily confront Zeus...' This was completely unrelated to boy girl relationships but purely human nature. It definitely wasn't a good feeling to be compared like that.

Sheyan endured the metallic storm as he charged into the blind angle of the robot, and finally pulled out his dreadful '+7 West' long saber. With a furious grunt, he stabbed in.