Awkward escape

Sheyan was stunned when presented with this queer suicidal move by Patrice. Instead, his nightmare imprint notified him.

[ Growth-Hunter no.k990658 has activated 'System Clone' ]

[ You killed Growth-Hunter no.k990658's clone ]

[ Detail: You do not receive any achievement points or slayer points, but will receive two random equipments from the clone ]

[ Detail: Growth-Hunter no.k990658 has revived in her personal room, losing half of her equipments. Her attributes will be restored to the latest moment of clone backup ]

Seeing the list of notifications, Sheyan relaxed a little; understanding that Patrice was exceedingly arrogant and would rather commit suicide than die to him.

With the pressure lifted, Sheyan slumped to the ground and coughed intensely. It was as though his lungs were tattered bellows and every cough issued a stabbing agony.

Actually, the root reason for Sheyan being battered so miserably by Patrice, was also due to the earlier bitter battles.