The strongest MT’s…….path

In a mere 6 hours, this technologically advanced private jet arrived at Sheyan's destination – Nice, Côte d'Azur International Airport.

Soon after, Sheyan met with Zi in a fictional-looking private manor.

Her dressing seemed rather ordinary and was composed of a simple and plain maroon dress, nonetheless, it failed to conceal that noble air of austerity emanating from her. Beside her, was a female with black square-shaped spectacles who was carrying some documents.

Instead, Sheyan's attention halted beside Zi, or accurately speaking, on the unimaginable sight of a 'beast' that would cause one to think of a lion.

Without a doubt, this was an enormous Tibetan Mastiff, and a purebred one.

The mastiff was lazily lying by her side. It swept a glance at Sheyan before lazily sinking its chin into its paws.

This Tibetan Mastiff was undoubtedly not the least bit interested in Sheyan.