Realm’s intention

Under the combined assaults of the three contestants, the unlucky orc shaman's vitality plunged swiftly. Besides, an orc shaman was still a shaman and couldn't escape the fate of a brittle physique.

When the orc shaman finally groaned and collapsed, it dropped a silver shimmering key!

Sheyan and Reef wasn't expecting the orc shaman to drop anything. Moreover, a silver storyline grade key wasn't extremely enticing to them anymore, hence, there was a delay in retrieving the key.

Who knew, that gloomy woman, upon witnessing the silver shimmering key, quickly reached forth her wrinkled hand with a sparkle in her eyes. Unexpectedly, the silver key started flying towards her!

"Eh?" Sheyan gasped in astonishment. He and Reef wasn't expecting someone to dare extract a tooth from the tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, the flight of the silver key wasn't fast. Sheyam immediately leaped up and snatched the silver key back.

In response, the gloomy woman knitted her brows and hissed out.