Retrieving treasures

Once the group settled down, Sheyan found an excuse to 'settle some affairs' with Reef. The others didn't dare to inquire and only asked them to be safe.

In truth, the duo left in search of the treasure buried by Melody. It wasn't that Sheyan did not trust Melody's elves, but rather the implications of this matter was so great, that the fewer who know it the better.

In the darkness of night, the duo shuttled through the pine forest, as snowflakes rained down repeatedly and infiltrated their necks. The chilling sensation caused them to shiver frequently as though someone was skinning them alive.

"We were truly pathetic the previous time." Sheyan attempted to start a conversation to douse the chilling sensation.

Reef shivered as he replied.

"If we encounter Lurtz now, we will still be in deep shit."

Sheyan sneezed and answered.

"Lurtz should be in Isengard now, we wouldn't be able to meet him even if we wished to. Right, pay attention to this darn compass."