Invincible Awakener

Although he suffered such an abrupt sneak attack, the vigilant Sheyan still managed to sweep out his '+7 West' in retaliation, managing to slash the retracting liquified hand. The hand exploded into water droplets, but the next notification caused Sheyan to inhale a breath of chilling air.

[ Enemy ??? is immune to your attack! ]

"Hohoho, foolish piece, obediently accept your fate of death! How can a basic realm contestant contest an Awakener? Know this, you died by the hands of Devil King Drubal!"

A deep and wretched voice resonated out of nowhere.

Amidst the four directions of torrential rain, stretching towards the far ends of the hazy downpour; yet apart from Sheyan, none other was in sight.

The fallen Sheyan slowly climbed back up on the wooden raft.

His movements were firm but gradual. His muscles slowly contracting, chunk by chunk, as they supported his vigor.