The Scary Allies

In the next few minutes, the three of them each witnessed the absurd amount of luggage that Elven nobilities brought with them when they depart on a journey. For 8 draws, all they got besides the black cloak was a whole bunch of garbage that had a distinct Elvish flavour. In total, they were worth less than 10,000 utility points.

Sheyan calmed himself before taking the final draw. He went over to the unconscious Melody and stole a kiss for luck. The kiss seemed to have brought him good fortune indeed, as his last draw produced an emerald leaf that let out a soft silver glow. The glow gave off a cool feeling and made one feel very comfortable.

After significant effort from the surviving Elven mage, they managed to identify the leaf. It was a magic item that had a tiny magic seal on it. The seal needed to be removed before they can observe the leaf's properties.