Divine Art

A ring of indescribable light spread from Reef's shield towards the surrounding, as if it was a liquid that covered up everything. The light brought with it unbearable heat. All the zombies near Sheyan's group burned with a red flame, causing them to scream in pain.

At the same time, Melody threw out a leaf that looked incomparably green.

After the leaf absorbed the sunlight - even if the sunlight only shined for a moment - it rapidly melted into an emerald green orb of light and flew towards Dwar. Dwar kept chanting as he slashed fiercely at the green glow. However, he failed. The orb of light reached his armour and melted into the 3 green glows that were originally in his body, thus enlarging them.

That was a sunlight divine art: 'Leaf of Amplification'. It's terribly unfortunate that it was currently nighttime. Otherwise, Melody could have performed even more divine arts of Sin'Dorei.