Black Artmix Technique lvl max!

At the same time that they reached a compromise with Saruman, the three of them received simultaneous notifications from the nightmare imprint.

[You have completed the main mission: Choice]

[You have chosen: Hidden faction, Saruman of Isengard]

[You received a reward of achievement points +2 ]

[You received a reward of utility points +10,000]

[You received a reward of potential points +5]

[You have triggered a hidden main storyline mission: Saruman's Ambition/Isengard's Hidden Dangers]

[You can choose either one of the main storyline missions to complete.]

[Selection deadline: 24 hours]

[In the meantime, you can try to enquire about relevant mission content from relevant plot characters]

After hearing this notification, both Reef and Franklin expressed their joy, especially Franklin who sang praises in the party channel.

"Boss, how did you even think of this?"

Sheyan smiled wryly.