Tail and Hunt

Faced with this tragic scene, Melody was shocked speechless. She was originally stroking the green and pleasant leaves of a tree but she immediately turned stiff at the sight. Only after a long time did she say.

"Just for cutting down a few trees....how can Mr. Grubb be so cruel?"

Sheyan sighed and explained to her.

"For us, trees are just trees. Yes, they are a very important part of life, but perhaps for Grubb and his tribe, the trees are their children and loved ones. They care for nature because of love, but they also become cruel because of love. A total of 300 people lost their lives to his hands, but perhaps in the eyes of some of the more radical Ents, he is a hero."

Mr. Ferrell remained silent. Sheyan instead said.

"Let's go. Those two are already beyond saving. Now isn't the best time to fight with Grubb. Our objective is to scout, and to obtain the Golden Fruits. We're not here to be saviours."